两人演的真好看完谜之感动;dave不时提到的loneliness, willing to examine some other alternatives for how to live, feeling as though every axiom in your life turned out to be false and there was actually nothing and that you were nothing and it's all delusion...
情节大概可预测母女谈话我不是不喜欢她而是你在她身边失去了自己从隐藏到挺身而出有个转变过程但是以貌取人再所难免小弟弟很可爱男朋友很体谅总体算happy ending, just my BF not white BF, 想到李光耀说阻止极端穆斯林只能靠温和穆斯林拿梳子反攻那段像小型模拟实验的震惊拿游行作为逃课借口让我想到室友毒药的谢谢室友不杀之恩的玩笑我不舒服但是局外人开玩笑也是种关注吧不只严肃一种方式
最后Wallace在人群中起舞像群体里的孤独者抛开一切名誉、担忧、烦恼镜头向上扫“Huh. A ceiling tile” “You also can expect that someone who’s willing to read and read hard a thousand-page book is gonna be someone with some loneliness issues.”