We have to prove one matter that the Mars is not belonged to anyone. The scientists and the corporations are not enemy. We can find the common aspects to do that what we want to achieve. We are not supposed to destroy the Mars like what we do in the Earth. It is not advisable .
First National(第一国家影片公司)出品开头手写字幕军姿自由发挥脖子上挂老鼠夹戴托尼盔背后轰炸不慌看战友的信姨母笑奶酪直接扔到对面阵地房间被水淹水中睡觉打对面军官的屁股一人包围13人敌人枪子儿开酒瓶伪装树人triple kill还救了战友姑娘家房子塌了假扮军官见德皇、大元帅、参谋总长又拯救战友一起假扮司机美女热舞直接把三人带到了自己阵营最后发现这是一场梦