可以说是这几年内看过最优质的科幻剧了 是那种临死前没看到下一季会死不瞑目的那种优质(地狱的那个比喻真是绝:”You know, my mother was an atheist. She used to say that there was good news and bad news about hell. The good news is, hell is just the product of a morbid human imagination. The bad news is, whatever human can imagine, they can usually create.”)
分了两天看完看到最后没有暴哭却有奇妙的放松感披头士是好梦之后小乔solo时期和他本人的才能也同样迷人小乔真是凡间天使肉身成圣像他自己写的歌Here Comes the Sun. 看到影片开头结尾乔治藏进花丛里的镜头想起玛丽安写过他的家:一间墙面被画得五彩斑斓的小屋子乔治在弹琴唱歌窗外花园里开满了向日葵