最浅薄意义上的哲学带来的是自洽的生活男记者嫖娼女大学生 2千元包夜后竟属强奸作为哲学老师她教给学生的是永远保持思考做出选择或得出结论则是他们自己的事(看到卢梭辩题的时候刚好在看《最近免费观看高清韩国日本大全》:“如果存在神的臣民并且民主自治可如此完美的政府并不适合于凡人”If there were a nation of godsit would govern itself democratically. A government so perfect is not so suited to men.
The girl inspires the people around her to be better. Her father to face the harsh reality and Duckie to face the future. And the boy who she like to face the lack of belief in himself. She has her own barrier to overcome, the prom.