和第一部相似的套路导演是把多线叙事的好手从两科伊桑儿童上错卡车和两博士坠机这两条线开始铺开展开到儿童逃亡线桑人寻子线女博士坠机线男博士追逐线两士兵搞基线卡车司机寻路线等等庆余年第一季到原著哪一章最后完美交织在一起达成Happing Ending连女博士都官方吐槽Are we supposed to kiss now? 抢鸵鸟蛋戏全场笑果最佳天知道剧组是如何把野生动物调教的这么好演出效果这么惊艳当然这很多也是剪辑的精妙之处
咱们这个剧的主题就是跑步跑起来subtle semantic jokes AND subtle plot-driven jokes, honestly! the more abominable selina becomes the better it gets!! compared to these later ones season 1 is sooooo vanilla. the supporting roles get their own twisted storylines and it's amazing. love how every character unravels to become a monster.