Remember, we choose to go to the moon not because it was easy, but because it was hard. So yes, I think it's worth it. Because no matter how hard it is now, when we look to the future, we can see that things can get better. I do believe that.
看了第八集之后睡不着太难受了被性骚扰的女性丧失一切公司上上下下口径一致李秋水丁春秋同人最终得利的是另一个男同事哪个女孩没多多少少遭遇过性骚扰为什么总有男性跳出来说此事无关性别只关乎人品你们为什么视而不见你们为什么自欺欺人你们是上位者揪着个例不放永远感受不到女性的处地你们享有最好的机会最好的待遇却上蹿下跳抱怨世界对你们不公you’re not even sorry. Fuck patriarchy. 想gina