Paolo Sorrentino没让我失望和前作la grande bellezza一蒂双花的清谈式但没那么锋芒毕露也没那么“深”而是圆滑了许多所以第一遍的观影体验也非常好映像依然绝美且富冲击力国内精品乱码卡一卡2卡麻豆特别是贡献了很可能是史上最美的圣马可广场我非常喜欢这个主题但也许要等年老后才能真正体会
"My name is Sulayman. My mother is a writer. My father is a teacher. And my sisters always fight each other. One day I found a toy on the street. I picked it up. It exploded. I don't remember what happened after that. Because it was the end."