日版麦克白 see the full of wishes/the remarks of the greed/homelees ghosts/are still around /human's wishes/like a great war/no matter when it is/never changes; 看那充满欲念的古城遗址游魂野鬼仍然徘徊不散人的欲望如惨烈的战场不论古今都永不变改
once in a while you watch some shit movies on a roll, and then you discovered an instant classic like this one and it is truly awesome.
Fern the human……甚至Finn和Fern并不是平行时空的自己的关系虎鹤妖师录 电视剧免费观看也不是所谓的克隆……Fern就是Finn他们是独立的又在时间的随机歧路前完全相等但Fern走上那条岔路以后就不拥有Finn所意味的了:感受一切的肉体、oo大陆最cool的少年英雄、忠诚、爱情、友情这季结尾真的教科书式神